Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos.

sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011

" I loved Tokio Hotel, with all my heart. Their music was so inspiring. They were the cutest boys ever, loving what they were doing. I did everything for them, street teamed, made a buttload of fansites… but that was a long time ago, that was five years ago. Now, I don’t hate them, I couldn’t ever hate them. I just don’t care about them. And you know what? They don’t care about us either. They don’t do anything special for us, they expect us to always be there. The fame has gotten to their heads SO MUCH. Their music is close to shit. What happened to the old Tokio Hotel? Geisterfahrer does not even compare to Hilf mir fliegen. And what is Zoom? Where is In die nacht, Leb die sekunde, Totgeliebt. Oh my god, Totgeliebt. That song is GENIUS. What is going on? What happened to them? I hate what they’ve become, I hate their music now.
I want 2005 - 2008 back. I want it back so bad. "

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